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Generic camera

Default values on initialization

Op name

Default value


true if false else no action






1 or GUI input


1 or GUI input

InitializeCamera command

  1. Await camera.isinitialized is true (Timeout 5 seconds)

  2. Await camera.temperature.stable is true (Timeout 5 seconds)

  3. Check if camera.image.istestimage is true

  4. Open Shutter

  5. Set pre-processing enabled

  6. Await pre-processing is true (Timeout 5 seconds)

  7. Set preprocessing.batch.frames to 1

  8. Set processing.batch.frames to 1

  9. Set spectral and spatial binning modes

  10. Read wavelength table

  11. Set networking.multicast.datagramsize to 8972

  12. Set networking.performancemode.enable to true

  13. Set to 1

  14. Set to true

Initialize command (Re-Initialize predicting)

  1. StopPredict (if predicting)

  2. For a number of Tries (If not successful wait TimeBetweenTrialSec)

    1. Disconnect camera ( if connected)

    2. Call InitializeCamera command

    3. Wait for the camera to be stable

  3. Check white reference Ok

  4. Start prediction

Streaming Error

If no UDP packet is received for 5 seconds -> CameraErrorCode ("Camera not streaming") Action -> Call Initialize

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