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Changing absorbance & reflectance

When an analysis is conducted on spectral data, depending on the experience of the user either absorbance or reflectance is preferred. To change between the two in breeze go to the Analyse Tree and press “Measurement”


In the menu to the right, the spectrum can be changed under “Convert to”, The three different options are Absorbance, Reflectance, or None.

Reflectance is the relative reflectance of the image, and is calculated using the following equation:

where is the raw reflectance image(radiance), is the dark reference image and is the white reference image.

Absorbance is the pseudo absorbance of the image, and is calculated using the following equation:

None isi.e the radiance with no dark or white reference applied.

Models created using Reflectance can not be used for absorbance. New models needs to be created when changing the spectrum.

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