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Web service (Action)

Send spatial data of the detected object to the control system as a HTTP POST with JSON body


IP / Host

Specify the IP address or host name along with the HTTP or HTTPS protocol. If no protocol is provided, the default will be http://.

EXAMPLE https://localhost:8080


Include any extra URL path segments that are needed for the endpoint.

EXAMPLE /cortana

User name


Username if basic HTTP authentication is required.



Password for basic HTTP authentication, if applicable.


Using the examples above the HTTP POST will be sent to https://localhost:8080/cortana with the default body of:

  "class": NUMBER,
  "endFrameNumber": NUMBER,
  "startFrameNumber": NUMBER

If spatial data can be collected from the object the body will the also include these properties:

  "class": NUMBER,
  "endFrameNumber": NUMBER,
  "startFrameNumber": NUMBER,
  "x": NUMBER,
  "y": NUMBER,
  "boundHeight": NUMBER,
  "boundWidth": NUMBER

To read more information on spatial object properties see: Object properties Details

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