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Reference averaging

To optimize disk space usage, you can store only the average (applied reference value) for both white and dark references.

Reference Averaging Calculation

The system calculates the average of all reference frames. This process can be represented mathematically as follows:


  • represents each reference frame.

  • is the total number of reference frames.

  • is the final average matrix (the compressed reference value).

This formula ensures that the system stores a single compressed reference by averaging the data from all reference frames.

Setting Default Behavior for New Projects

You can change the default compressed reference setting for new projects by navigating to the Reference tab under Settings.


This change applies only to new projects and will not affect existing projects.

Adjusting Behavior for Existing Projects

To apply compressed references to existing projects, you can set this in the Analyse Tree under the Measurement node and under the section “Reference settings”. This option is also visible under the project Options under Settings/measure.


This action will not affect any existing measurements using references.

Updating Existing Measurements

To update the references in existing measurements, click the Reference averaging button under the References tab for the measurement you wish to update.


You can also select multiple measurements and compress all references for the selected measurements at once. Only measurements with full raw data will be average, already averaged references will be denoted as such.


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