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Depth registration (segmentation)


The depth registration segmentation uses the information from the user-registered core, rubble and core loss from the “Depth Reg.” tab to create segmented objects for further analysis.

For information on how to depth registration of core seeDepth registration


Include registered

Include registered lets you select which part of the registered boxes should be segmented. If the registration box is checked for “core” all pixels registered as core will be segmented.

✅ Core

✅ Rubble

✅ Loss


For the segmented core, you have three options for how Breeze Geo should treat segments based on the depth registration. The three options are:

  • None - treats all individual registered core parts as individual segments

  • Line - combines all individual registered cores within a line and considers them as one segment

  • All lines in box - Combines all segments within the box and consider them as one segment

For the segmentation “Depth interval registration ” to work “All lines in box” needs to be selected as the merge option.

One line is defined as one compartment of the core box that has been registered


One compartment of a core box with the registered core.

Only visible when applicable

Link output objects from two or more segmentations to top segmentation. Descriptors can then be added to the common object output and will be calculated for objects from all segmentations.

Descriptors after object will be calculated for all three segmentations (Sample1, Sample2 and Sample3)

The segmentations must be at same level to be available for linking.


Below you find some examples and the expected segmented result in the table view in Breeze Geo.

The segmentations in the examples below will be performed on the following registered box:


A depth-registered core box for educational purposes where not all core pieces were registered as core but also rubble and core loss.

Include & exclude core, rubble, and loss

If only the registered core is of interest only “Core” needs to be checked in the software


The output after applying changes the following segments will be visible in the table:


Merge registered core

We will look at the three different options on merging the segments when both Core and Rubble are selected for further analysis.

Merge - None

The parameter settings in Breeze Geo are the following


And the table output


Since we did not merge the individual registered core from the “Depth reg.” tab will be visualised as individual segments in the table view

Merge - Line

The parameter settings in Breeze Geo are the following


And the table output


Each core and ruble registered within a box compartment is now merged and considered its own segmented object.

Merge - All lines in box

The parameter settings in Breeze Geo are the following


And the table output


All lines are now merged and all core and rubble within the box is now considered as one segmented object.

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