Code example
The code example can be found in the Breeze installation directory in the Runtime/ExampleCode folder.
For example: C:\Program Files\Prediktera\Breeze\Runtime\ExampleCode
There are example projects available in C# for .NET and Python client example .
Another code example for Applying Changes to files using the Breeze Runtime Python Apply Changes example
Classification of nuts step 1 is finished.
Quantification of powder samples is finished.
Breeze runtime workflows have been exported from Breeze as in the Runtime Classification of nuts tutorial.
Prediktera Simulator Camera has been configured in Breeze.
When Breeze Runtime starts, make sure it uses the same workspace as the tutorials.
To run an example, set the preferred example as a startup project in Visual Studio and press play.
Standard procedure for capturing data
Initialize camera
Load workflow
Get a list of all workflows, then load the one you want or if you already know the id of the workflow you can load it right away.
Take dark reference
Close shutter
Take the reference
Open shutter
Take white reference
Put the white reference under the camera, then take the white reference. 5. Start predicting
Listen to events and/or data streams.
Stop predicting
Disconnect the camera
Connect to Breeze Runtime for sending commands
Create a new TcpClient
and connect to the host where Breeze Runtime is running on the command port which by default is 2000.
Send JSON commands to Breeze Runtime as a byte array and wait for a response.
Example commands and replies
Initialize camera:
"Command": "InitializeCamera",
"Id": "1",
"DeviceName": "",
"RequestedPort": 3000
"Id": "1",
"Success": true
Get workflows:
"Command": "GetWorkflows",
"Id": "2",
"IncludeTestWorkflows": false
Reply with a message array:
"Id": "2",
"Success": true,
"Message": "[{\"Name\":\"Nuts_Classification\",\"Id\":\"bd2c9b32\",\"Description\":\"\",\"CreatedTime\":\"20190417152441\",\"CreatedBy\":\"Administrator\",\"PredictionMode\":\"Normal\",\"ObjectFormat\":{\"Id\":\"2d81bdbe\",\"Name\":\"Sample - Nuts_Classification\",\"Descriptors\":[{\"Type\":\"Category\",\"Name\":\"Nut or Shell\",\"Index\":0,\"Id\":\"6a2876d0\",\"Classes\":[{\"Name\":\"-\",\"Color\":\"#ff0000\",\"Value\":0},{\"Name\": \"Nut\",\"Color\":\"#3ad23a\",\"Value\":1},{\"Name\":\"Shell\",\"Color\":\"#4664be\",\"Value\":2}]}]},\"StreamFo rmat\":{\"TimeFormat\":\"Utc100NanoSeconds\",\"Lines\":[{\"Type\":\"Category\",\"Name\":\"SampleCategory\",\" Index\":0,\"Id\":\"db8d7f96\",\"Classes\":[{\"Name\":\"-\",\"Color\":\"#ff0000\",\"Value\":0},{\"Name\":\"Sample\" ,\"Color\":\"#3ad23a\",\"Value\":1}]},{\"Type\":\"Category\",\"Name\":\"Nut or shell\",\"Index\":1,\"Id\":\"6a2876d0\",\"Classes\":[{\"Name\":\"-\",\"Color\":\"#ff0000\",\"Value\":0},{\"Name\": \"Nut\",\"Color\":\"#3ad23a\",\"Value\":1},{\"Name\":\"Shell\",\"Color\":\"#4664be\",\"Value\":2}]}]}}]"
public string SendCommandToServer(byte[] data)
using var tcpClient = new TcpClient(hostName, 2000);
using var stream = tcpClient.GetStream();
const string lineEnding = "\r\n";
// Send command
stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
stream.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(lineEnding), 0, lineEnding.Length);
// Read response
while (!stream.DataAvailable)
using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
var response = new byte[tcpClient.ReceiveBufferSize];
int readByteCount;
while (stream.DataAvailable && (readByteCount = stream.Read(response, 0, response.Length)) > 0)
memoryStream.Write(response, 0, readByteCount);
string responseStr = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(memoryStream.ToArray(), 0, (int) memoryStream.Length).Replace(lineEnding, "");
return responseStr;
Listening to server events (optional)
Start a new tread and create a new TcpClient
and connect to the host where Breeze Runtime is running on the server event port which by default is 2500.
Task.Run(() =>
catch (Exception e)
public void ListenToServerEvents()
using var tcpClient = new TcpClient(hostName, 2500);
using var stream = tcpClient.GetStream();
while (!_stopListeningToServerEvents)
if (!stream.DataAvailable)
using var streamReader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8);
var json = streamReader.ReadLine();
var runtimeEvent = RuntimeEvent.FromJson(json);
if (runtimeEvent.Event == "PredictionObject")
var predictionObjectJson = runtimeEvent.Message;
var predictionObject =
Listening to data stream (optional)
Start a new tread and create a new TcpClient
and connect to the host where Breeze Runtime is running on the stream port which by default is 3000.
Task.Run(() =>
catch (Exception e)
public void ListenToDataStream()
using var tcpClient = new TcpClient(hostName, 3000);
using var stream = tcpClient.GetStream();
const int streamTypeFieldSize = sizeof(byte);
const int inTimeFieldSize = sizeof(long);
const int outTimeFieldSize = sizeof(long);
const int frameNumberSize = sizeof(long);
const int dataBodyFieldSize = sizeof(int);
const int headerSize = streamTypeFieldSize +
inTimeFieldSize +
outTimeFieldSize +
frameNumberSize +
const int dataBodySize = BitConverter.ToInt32(header,
streamTypeFieldSize +
inTimeFieldSize +
outTimeFieldSize +
while (!stopped)
byte[] header = ReadHeaderFromStream(stream, headerSize);
byte[] data = ReadDataFromStream(stream, dataBodySize);
HandleData(data, GetStreamType(header));