Intro to Breeze: Classification of nuts step 1
Welcome to this tutorial on Breeze! In this session, you'll become familiar with Breeze's user interface and workflow. We'll work with an example dataset to create a classification model that distinguishes between different classes in a hyperspectral image.
You will analyze hyperspectral images with samples of nuts (almond, hazelnut, pecan, and walnut) and shells for each nut type. The tutorial images contain samples of known nut types that will be used as a training data set and an image with a mix of samples that will be used as a test dataset.
The steps in the tutorial are:
Installation of Breeze on Windows
Go to Download tutorial image data if Breeze is already installed.
After downloading Breeze, start the installation file (Prediktera_Breeze_Windows_2024.2.0.exe) with the shortcut found in your browser or in your download folder.
Download tutorial image data
Label your training data for classification of models
TIP If you need to delete a column like Variables or IDs, right-click on the header for the column you want to delete and then press the “Delete” option that will appear.
Create a sample model to remove background pixels
You will now create a sample model that will be used to remove the background pixels and to automatically segment out the objects (nut and shell samples) in the images.
This sample model will be applied to all images in the project and will make it easy for us to train a classification model in next step.
Select a region containing only nut or shell pixels by holding down the left mouse button and mark the area inside the object.
To make this easier you can use the mouse scroll function to zoom in.
The corresponding pixels are then selected in the scatter plot to the left.
Now you know that the nut and shell pixels are in the cluster on the right side in the Scatter plot.
Create a PLS-DA classification model
You will now use the average spectrum for each sample and the class type that you have set to train a classification model.
Apply your model to classify samples
In this step, you will use the PLS-DA classification model (Classification - Nuts_classification, from the previous step) to analyze the images and classify the samples.
Real-time prediction
In addition to analyzing images that are already recorded on your hard drive, you can also use Breeze Recorder to analyze images in real-time directly from the camera.
If your computer is not connected to a camera, you can simulate this by using the “Camera simulator” in Breeze. With this, it will read images from your hard drive and analyze them continuously.
Add a Workflow for real time analysis
Press the Workflow button on the left side of the screen
In the Workflow view press Add button in the lower left corner and then select New. Give it name or use the default name.
Press OK
In the Analyse Tree tab you can see that it is using as a default the Analyse Tree we just created in the previous step.
Start real time prediction
Nice job! You have reached the end of step 1 of the “Classification of Nuts” tutorial.
If you would like to learn more about classification analysis please try tutorial step 2 to learn some additional features.