Developers reference guide
This overview shows the parts of a complete system setup integrating Breeze Runtime with a custom software. The customer software can run on PC 1 or a separate PC 2.

Fig. 1. The system setup example

Fig. 2. Communication overview
The commands and the server’s response are sent over TCP/IP on port 2000. The message format is unindented JSON ended with CR + LF (ASCII 13 + ASCII 10)
You can use curl with telnet for communicating with Breeze Runtime and send commands. For example: curl -v telnet://<ip>:<port>
echo -en '{"Command":"GetStatus","Id":"IdString"}\r\n' | nc <ip> <port>
If the commands are in a file separated with newline make sure the line-ending is CRLF. Translate line-endings in place using for example unix2dos
or translate when posting to Breeze Runtime with for example tr
: cat multiple-commands-file.txt | tr '\n' '\r\n'| nc <ip> <port>
Camera commands
Initialize camera
Using Breeze default settings
"Command" : "InitializeCamera",
"Id" : "IdString"
Optional. Camera specific settings
"Command" : "InitializeCamera",
"Id" : "IdString",
"DeviceName" : "SimulatorCamera",
"RequestedPort" : 3000,
"TimeOut" : 5 // (seconds)
The optional parameter
can be used to set the data stream port, which defaults to 3000.The optional parameter
is in seconds. Used in for example when waiting for the camera to become stable.The command can have any number of camera-specific arguments (see table below).
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true
Available camera manufacturers
HySpex SDK
Swir, Vnir, Etc.
"DeviceName" : "HySpexCamera",
"CameraType" : "VNIR_1800",
"FramesToAverage" : 1, // optional; default = 1
"SetFilePath" : "<path>\<SetFileDirectory>"
For more information see HySpex hardware installation
Swir, FX-10, FX-17, Mwir, Etc.
"DeviceName" : "SpecimCamera",
"CameraType" : "FX17 with NI", // Camera name from Lumo or "FileReader",
"ScpFilePath" : "<path>\<file>.scp"
For more information see Specim hardware installation guide
"DeviceName" : "InnoSpecCamera",
"CameraType" : "RedEye",
"MissingPixelsFilePath" : "<path>\<file>.xxx" // (optional)
INNO-SPEC Photon Focus-based camera
"DeviceName": "InnoSpecPhotonFocusCamera",
"CameraType": "GigE Camera - XXX.YYY.ZZZ.LLL",
"BinningSpatial": 1, // Only applicable when no config file used - Default = 1
"BinningSpectral": 1, // Only applicable when no config file used - Default = 1
"ConfigFilePath": "C:\\Users\\user\\Documents\\InnoSpec\\HSI-17-121421.toml", // Optional
"CorrectionMode": "OffsetGainHotpixel", // optional, default = "OffsetGainHotpixel"
"ModeId": "1x1", // Only applicable when using config file
"SpatialRoi": "", // Optional
"SpectralRoi": "1", // Optional
"TriggerActivation": "RisingEdge",
"TriggerDelay": 0, // Default = 0
"TriggerMode": false,// Default = false
"TriggerSource": "Line0",
is the IP address of the camera
See INNO-SPEC for more information on the different properties.
Pylon SDK
"DeviceName" : "BaslerCamera",
"CameraType" : "Basler ac1920-155um 12345", // Where `ac1920-155um` model name and `12345` is the camera serial number
"BinningHorizontal" : 1, //optional; default = 1,
"BinningVertical" : 1 // optional; default = 1
Detection Technology
Detection Technology - X-ray sensor with Ethernet connection
"DeviceName" : "DeeTeeCamera",
"CameraType" : "X-Scan",
"HostIp" : "",
"SpatialBinning" : 0, //optional; default : 0
"BufferSize" : 100, //optional; default : 100
"TimeoutExceptionMs" : 5000, //optional; default : 5000
"TimeOut" : 20 //optional; default : 20
Calibration data
"Ob" : 52000,
"DynCalEnable" : false,
"DynCalLines" : 100,
"DynCalThreshold" : 0.01,
"DynCalNbBlockSaved" : 10
Geometric calibration
"GeoCorrEnable" : true,
"SD" : 1160,
"DLE" : 36.411,
"DHE" : 40.600,
"CenterPixel" : 458.5
For additional start up settings and in-depth explanations see Detection Technology camera
FileReader test camera.
"DeviceName" : "SimulatorCamera"
If only DeviceName
is specified, a simulated camera with 9 frames with an image width at 10 pixels will be used. The frames contain one object. The frames 'wrap around'; the 10th frame will be the same as the first one, etc. The CameraType
will be "SimulatorCamera" (see below). By specifying the data files used, any raw data stream can be used, e.g.:
"RawDataFilePath" : "Data\Nuts\measurement.raw",
"DarkReferenceFilePath" : "Data\Nuts\darkref_measurement.raw",
"WhiteReferenceFilePath" : "Data\Nuts\whiteref_measurement.raw",
"CameraType" : "NutsSimulatorCamera"
The file paths are relative to the directory where BreezeRuntime.exe is located.
The parameter
can be any text, and theCameraType
field in the reply from theGetStatus
command will be set to this text.See Running Breeze Runtime with Breeze Client for instructions on how to download and install the nuts test data, which should be used in conjunction with the workflow with ID “NutsWorkflow”.
Generic camera
A camera implementing a JSON-RPC 2.0 standard, such as Specim FX-50.
"DeviceName" : "GenericeCamera",
"CameraType" : "Cortex",
"HostIp" : "",
"TimeOut" : 5, //optional; default = 5
"TimeoutExceptionMs" : 5000, // optional; default = 5000
"InitializeTimeOut" : 5, // optional; default = TimeOut
"StableTimeOut" : 5, // optional; default = TimeOut
"PreprocessingTimeOut" : 5, // optional; default = TimeOut
"BinningSpatial" : 1, // optional; default = 1
"BinningSpectral" : 1, // optional; default = 1
"BufferSize" : 100 // optional; default = 100
Default values on initialization and more see Generic camera
Unispectral Monarch Camera - USB-C
"CameraType" : "Monarch II",
"DarkReferenceValue" : 64,
"DeviceName" : "UnispectralCamera",
"Gain" : 1, // optional; default = 1
"BinningSpatial" : 1, // optional; default = 1
"BinningSpectral" : 1, // optional; default = 1
"SpectralRoi" : "0;0;0;0;1;1;1;1;1;0" // optional; default = "1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1"
SpectralRoi = "1"
is equivalent to "1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1"
- meaning all bands are included
For more information see: Unispectral
Resonon Basler-based cameras (Pika L, XC2, and UV)
USB or Ethernet connected cameras.
May required drivers to be installed on the computer. See Basler
"DeviceName" : "ResononBaslerCamera",
"CameraType" : "BaslerCamera serial-number",
"BinningHorizontal" : 1, // optional; default = loaded from Resonon camera specific settings
"BinningVertical" : 1 // optional; default = loaded from Resonon camera specific settings
is the serial number device id specified on the camera
Resonon Allied Vision-based cameras (Pika IR, IR+, IR-L, and IR-L+)
"DeviceName" : "ResononAlliedVisionCamera",
"CameraType" : "GigE device-id",
"BinningHorizontal" : 1, // optional; default = loaded from Resonon camera specific settings
"BinningVertical" : 1 // optional; default = loaded from Resonon camera specific settings
is the device id specified on the camera
qtec C-Series
"DeviceName" : "ServerCamera",
"CameraType" : "Server",
"Host" : "",
"PixelFormat" : "short", // optional; default = "short"
"SpectralRoi" : "1" // optional; default = "1" - all wavelenghts included
"BinningSpatial" : 1, // optional; default = 1
"BinningSpectral" : 1 // optional; default = 1
For more information see: Qtechnology
Prediktera Data Server
"DeviceName" : "DataServerCamera",
"CameraType" : "Server",
"Port" : 2200,
"Width" : 384,
"Height" : 31,
"Wavelength" : "1164.52;1209.84;1255.04;1300.16;1345.2;1390.17;1435.09;1479.97;1524.81;1569.64;1614.45;1659.25;1704.05;1748.85;1793.66;1838.47;1883.3;1928.12;1972.95;2017.79;2062.62;2107.45;2152.26;2197.05;2241.81;2286.53;2331.2;2375.81;2420.34;2464.78;2509.12"
"MaxSignal" : 1, // optional; default = 1
"DataSize" : "Float" // optional; valid values "Byte", "Short", "Float", "Double"
Changes in MaxSignal
needs to be reflected in DataSize
and vice-versa
For more information see: Prediktera Data Server
Disconnect camera
"Command" : "DisconnectCamera",
"Id" : "IdString",
"CameraId" : 0 // Optional if one (1) camera, mandatory if more than 1 camera
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true,
"Message" : "Success"
Get camera property
"Command" : "GetCameraProperty",
"Id" : "IdString",
"CameraId" : 0, // Optional if one (1) camera, mandatory if more than 1 camera
"Property" : "FrameRate"
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true,
"Message" : "100"
Below is a list of properties, which all logical cameras have. Some physical cameras cannot be queried for some properties though, and a default value will be returned by the logical camera. Some logical cameras have properties not listed here, but that can still be retrieved. E.g. The camera “SimulatorCamera” has the property UniqueProperty (Float, 32 bits) to demonstrate this feature. It also has the property “State”, which can be used for simulating dark and white references (see commands TakeDarkReference and TakeWhiteReference).
Property | Original Data Type | Comment |
| Float, 32 bits | µs |
| Float, 32 bits | Hz |
| Boolean |
| Integer, 32 bits | No of pixels |
| Integer, 32 bits | No of pixels |
| string | E.g. |
| Integer, 32 bits | Maximum signal value |
| Float, 32 bits | Sensor temperature ( |
| Integer | 1 = Byte, 2 = Short (Integer, 16 bits), 4 = Float (Float, 32 bits), 8 = Double (Float, 64 bits) |
| Integer | 1 = BIL (Band Interleaved by Line) 2 = BIP (Band Interleaved by Pixel) |
Set camera property
"Command" : "SetCameraProperty",
"Id" : "IdString",,
"CameraId" : 0, // Optional if one (1) camera, mandatory if more than 1 camera
"Name" : "FrameRate",
"Value" : "200"
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true,
"Message" : "200"
Below is a list of properties, which all logical cameras have. Some physical cameras cannot have some properties set though, and the set operation will not have any effect. Some logical cameras have properties not listed here, but that can still be set. E.g. The camera “SimulatorCamera” has the property UniqueProperty
(Float, 32 bits) to demonstrate this feature. It has also the property "State", which can be used when simulating dark and white references (see commands TakeDarkReference and TakeWhiteReference).
Property | Original Data Type | Comment |
| Float, 32 bits | µs |
| Float, 32 bits | Hz |
Raw-data capture commands
Start capture
"Command" : "StartCapture",
"Id" : "IdString",
"CameraId" : 0, // Optional if one (1) camera, mandatory if more than 1 camera
"NumberOfFrames" : 10,
"Folder" : "Path to folder" //Optional
The parameter NumberOfFrames
is optional; if omitted, the camera will capture until StopCapture
is sent.
The parameter Folder
is optional; if omitted, the camera will store the captured frames in a measurement.raw file in the chosen folder.
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true,
"Message" : ""
Stop capture
"Command" : "StopCapture",
"CameraId" : 0, // Optional if one (1) camera, mandatory if more than 1 camera
"Id" : "IdString"
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true,
"Message" : ""
Prediction commands
Get workflows
"Command" : "GetWorkflows",
"Id" : "IdString"
"IncludeTestWorkflows" : true
The parameter IncludeTestWorkflows
specifies whether the test workflows bundled with Breeze Runtime (see below) should be included; If the parameter is false
or omitted, only the workflows created by the user with Breeze are included.
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true,
"Message" : "
"Name": "Test Workflow",
"Id": "TestWorkflow",
Load workflow
Loads a workflow to use for predictions
"Command" : "LoadWorkflow",
"Id" : "IdString",
"WorkflowId" : "TestWorkflow",
"Xml" : null, // can be omitted
"FieldOfView" : 10.5
To load a server-side workflow, the parameter
is set to one of the IDs in the reply fromGetWorkflows
.To load a client-side workflow, the parameter
is set to the contents of a client-side workflow XML file.Either
must be specified, but not both.FieldOfView
is optional. if omitted, the value for the current camera will be used from settings in Breeze on the local computer.
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true,
"Message" :
"Name": "Test Workflow",
has the format yyyyMMddhhmmss
Delete workflow
"Command" : "DeleteWorkflow",
"WorkflowId" : "IdString"
Open shutter
"Command" : "OpenShutter",
"CameraId" : 0, // Optional if one (1) camera, mandatory if more than 1 camera
"Id" : "IdString"
Open the camera shutter
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true,
"Message" : ""
Close shutter
"Command" : "CloseShutter",
"CameraId" : 0, // Optional if one (1) camera, mandatory if more than 1 camera
"Id" : "IdString"
Closes the camera shutter.
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true,
"Message" : ""
Take dark reference
"Command" : "TakeDarkReference",
"CameraId" : 0, // Optional if one (1) camera, mandatory if more than 1 camera
"Id" : "IdString"
If the camera “SimulatorCamera” is used (see command Initialize camera), the camera state must be set to DarkReference
first; either use the command CloseShutter
, or use the command SetProperty
to set State to DarkReference
. When the shutter is opened the state is set to Normal
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true,
"Message" : ""
Dark reference quality control
Automatic dark reference quality control checks
The standard deviation between lines is lower than 5%
The average signal relative to max signal is lower than 50%
Invalid dark reference reply example:
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : false,
"Code" : 1006
"Error" : "InvalidDarkReference"
"Message" : "Variation over lines is higher than 5%"
Take white reference
"Command" : "TakeWhiteReference",
"Id" : "IdString"
If the camera “SimulatorCamera” is used (see command Initialize Camera), the camera property State must be set to WhiteReference
first, using the command SetCameraProperty
. After the reference is taken the state can be set to Normal
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true,
"Message" : ""
White reference quality control
Automatic white reference quality control checks
The standard deviation between lines is lower than 5%
The average signal relative to max signal is lower than 99%
The average signal relative to max signal is higher than 50%
The standard deviation between average pixels is lower than 5%
10% of border pixels on each side is not included in the calculation
Invalid white reference reply example:
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : false,
"Code" : 1007
"Error" : "InvalidWhiteReference"
"Message": "White reference less than 50% of max signal"
Get workflow setup
Should be called to retrieve prediction setup from the active workflow, which another client loaded.
"Command" : "GetWorkflowSetup",
"Id" : "IdString"
See command LoadWorkflow.
Start predict
"Command" : "StartPredict",
"Id" : "IdString",
"IncludeObjectShape" : true,
"FrameCount" : -1
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true,
"Message" : ""
(optional, defaults tofalse
): Whether start y offset, object center, and border coordinates should be included with object identified event.
The identified objects are sent over the event stream (please see section Event Stream). This is an example object:
"Event" : "PredictionObject",
"Code" : 4000,
"Message" : "%7B%22StartTime%22%3A636803791584234611%2C%22EndTime%22%3A63680379158431 4525%2C%22Descriptors%22%3A%5B1.0%2C45.4867249%2C47.89075%2C6.40655136%5 D%2C%22Shape%22%3A%7B%22Start%22%3A1%2C%22Center%22%3A%5B5%2C3%5D%2C%22B order%22%3A%5B%5B3%2C0%5D%2C%5B8%2C0%5D%2C%5B8%2C1%5D%2C%5B9%2C1%5D%2C%5 B9%2C7%5D%2C%5B3%2C7%5D%2C%5B3%2C3%5D%2C%5B2%2C3%5D%2C%5B2%2C1%5D%2C%5B3 %2C1%5D%2C%5B3%2C0%5D%5D%7D%7D"
Message field un-escaped and indented:
"StartTime": 636803787957020338,
"EndTime": 636803787957110238,
"Start": 1,
"Center": [5, 3],
[3, 0],
[8, 0],
[8, 1],
[9, 1],
[9, 7],
[3, 7],
[3, 3],
[2, 3],
[2, 1],
[3, 1],
[3, 0]
Stop predict
"Command" : "StopPredict",
"Id" : "IdString"
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true,
"Message" : ""
Get status
"Command" : "GetStatus",
"Id" : "IdString"
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true,
"Message" :
"{\"State\": \"Predicting\",
\"WorkflowId\": \"abcde\",
\"CameraType\": \"MWIR\",
\"FrameRate\": 200.0, // Hz
\"IntegrationTime\": 1500.0, // µs
\"Temperature\": 293.15, // K
\"DarkReferenceValidTime\": 4482.39258, // s
\"WhiteReferenceValidTime\": 9483.392, // s
\"LicenseExpiryDate\": \"2018-12-31\", // yyyy-MM-dd
\"SystemTime\": 636761502932108549,
\"SystemTimeFormat\": \"Utc100NanoSeconds\"}"
The original data type for
is an unsigned 64-bit integer.
The field Temperature
represents the camera sensor temperature in Kelvin degrees. Celsius degrees = Temperature
- 273.15. Fahrenheit degrees = Temperature
x 1.8 - 459.67.
Get property
"Command" : "GetProperty",
"Id" : "IdString",
"Property" : "PropertyString",
"NodeId" : "NodeIdString",
"Name": "FieldName"
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true,
"Message" : "result string"
The field NodeId
can be used to get property information from a node in the analysis tree. If it is not specified then workflow global properties will be fetched.
Available Properties are:
Return number of threads used in prediction.
Default -1 = number of available virtual cpu cores
Returns list of semicolon separated available providers
Returns list of semicolon separated workflow fields
Requires “
"Workflow field value
Example 1
"Command" : "GetProperty",
"Id" : "1",
"Property" : "Version"
"Id" : "1",
"Success" : true,
"Message" : "2021.1.0.999 Release"
Example 2
"Command" : "GetProperty",
"Id" : "2",
"Property" : "FieldValue",
"Name" : "Voltage"
"Id" : "2",
"Success" : true,
"Message" : "100"
Set property
"Command" : "SetProperty",
"Id" : "IdString",
"Property" : "PropertyString",
"Value" : "ValueString"
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true,
"Message" : "result string"
Available Properties to set are:
The number of threads used in prediction.
Default = -1 (number of available virtual cpu cores)
Re-Initialize prediction
If there is a camera problem during prediction then Initialize command can be called to reconnect the camera and if successful start the prediction again. The tries parameter decides the number of tries that will be done before returning the error code CameraNotStable: 1009
error code.
Re-Initialize command sequence order
If predicting before Re-Initialize command was called
For a number of tires until the camera is initialized
If predicting before Re-Initialize command was called
(Same workflow as loaded before)StartPredict
"Command" : "Initialize",
"Id" : "IdString",
"Tries" : 10,
"TimeBetweenTrialSec" : 10
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true,
"Message" : ""
Start capture on predict
Start capture measurements while predicting. The measurements are stored in the folder:
{Breeze workspace folder}/Data/Runtime/Measurements/{date}
Capture folders are named by date when starting the capture. The recorded measurements stored in that folder are divided by the max number count argument. The measurements are called “Measurement_1”, “Measurement_2”,...“Measurement_N”.
"Command" : "StartCaptureOnPredict",
"Id" : "IdString",
"Name" : "Name of measurements",
"MaxFrameCount" : 1000 // Max number of frames per measurement
"Object" : true | false // Save only object or not
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true,
"Message" : ""
Stop capture on predict
"Command" : "StopCaptureOnPredict",
"Id" : "IdString"
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true,
"Message" : ""
Apply changes on ENVI image files
Apply changes using specific Breeze Runtime Workflow on ENVI image files with extension (raw, bil, bip, bsq or img) to create pixel predictions ([FILE_NAME]_prediction.raw), measurement thumbnail ([FILE_NAME].jpg) and result from descriptors ([FILE_NAME].xml) saved in the same folder.
Measurement folder must contain dark reference (darkref_[FILE_NAME].raw) and white reference (whiteref_[FILE_NAME].raw) if the raw data should be converted to reflectance or absorbance.
"Command" : "ApplyChanges",
"Id" : "IdString",
"XmlFile" : "{path to Runtime workflow}/workflow.xml",
"Files" : ["{path to ENVI image file 1}",
"{path to ENVI image file 2}",
"{path to ENVI image file N}"]
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : true,
"Message" : ""
Error Handling and Events
Errors can happen in two different ways: Either as a result of a command or as an event.
Command Errors
When a command fails, the Success
field will be false
, the Error
field will hold a string error code and the Code
field will hold an integer error code. The Message
field will hold a further error description:
"Id" : "IdString",
"Success" : false,
"Message" : "Camera is not initialized",
"Error" : "GeneralError",
"Code": 3000
When an error occurs on the server-side during prediction or capture, the error information is sent via the event stream. Log files can be found in the directory “.Evince” in the home directory, e.g. “C:\Users\<user name>\.Evince.
Command Error Codes
These will be sent in response to a failed command.
Error Code | Constant | Description |
1000 | GeneralCommandError | General command error. Message field gives more details. |
3001 | UnknownError | Unexpected error in runtime command call. Stack trace gives more details.
1002 | InvalidLicense | Sent on StartCapture if no valid license is found for Breeze. Sent on StartPredict if no valid license is found for BreezeAPI. |
1003 | MissingReferences | Sent on StartPredict if references are needed and both references are missing. |
1004 | MissingDarkReference | Sent on StartPredict if references are needed and dark reference is missing. |
1005 | MissingWhiteReference | Sent on StartPredict if references are needed and white reference is missing. |
1006 | InvalidDarkReference | Sent on TakeDarkReference if the captured dark reference is not good enough. Message will include detailed explanation. |
1007 | InvalidWhiteReference | Sent on TakeWhiteReference if the captured white reference is not good enough. Message will include a detailed explanation. |
1008 | MissingDarkReferenceFile | Sent on TakeWhiteReference if white reference intensity is used and there is no dark reference file to read. |
1009 | CameraNotStable | Sent on Initialize when cannot reinitialize prediction after given number tries |
Event Stream
Events and errors that do not belong to a command will be sent over TCP/IP on port 2500. The message format is unindented JSON ended with CR + LF (ASCII 13 + ASCII 10)
. All errors, except those in command responses, will also be sent over this channel.
Regular Event Codes
These events can be sent during startup, prediction, and capture.
"Event" : "DarkReferenceOutdated",
"Code" : 2001
Event Code | Constant | Description |
2000 | reserved for event server | |
2001 | DarkReferenceOutdated | Dark reference is outdated |
2002 | WhiteReferenceOutdated | White reference is outdated |
2003 | WorkflowListChanged | Workflow in Runtime folder has been changed, removed or added |
Error Event Codes
These events can be sent during startup, prediction, and capture. An error event will have the field Event = “Error” and the field “Error” specifies the name of the error.
"Event" : "Error",
"Error" : "UnknownError",
"Message" : "<message>",
"Code" : 3001,
"StackTrace": "At RtPredict.cs:281..."
Error Code | Constant | Description |
3000 |
| General error. Message field gives more details. |
3001 |
| Unexpected error during prediction or capture. Message will include error details
3002 |
| Forwards error code generated by camera supplier. A new field CameraErrorCode will be present in event. Example:
3003 |
| Prediction frame queue overflow. Please use a lower camera frame rate. |
Prediction Object
Event Code | Constant | Description |
4000 |
| The Runtime has identified an object. Its properties can be found in the message field as escaped JSON. See Start Predict for details.
Data Stream
The data stream from the server is sent over TCP/IP, and the port defaults to 3000, but can be set via the InitializeCamera
All integers and floats are little-endian encoded in the stream.
[Stream Type][Frame Number][Timestamp][Metadata size][Data Body Size]
1. Stream Type:
1 = Raw Pixel Line
2 = Prediction Lines
3 = Rgb Pixel Line
4 = StreamStarted/EndOfStream
Data Type: Byte
2. Frame Number:
Frame number from the camera
Data Type: Integer, 64 bits
3. Timestamp:
Time in 100-nanoseconds when the line is read from the camera (Number of 100-nanosecond intervals that have elapsed since 12:00:00 midnight on January 1, 0001, UTC)
Data Type: Integer, 64 bits
4. Metadata Size:
Number of bytes in metadata body
Data Type: Integer, 32 bits
5. Data Body Size:
Number of bytes in the data body
Data Type: Integer, 32 bits
Metadata Body: See below.
Data Body: See below.
Metadata body
1. CameraProcessingTime:
Camera Processing Time, in 100-nanoseconds
Data Type: Integer, 32 bits
2. CameraDeltaTimeToPreviousFrame:
Time difference between frames on camera, in 100-nanoseconds
Data Type: Integer, 32 bits
3. BreezeProcessingTime:
Breeze Processing Time, in 100-nanoseconds
Data Type: Integer, 32 bits
4. BreezeDeltaTimeToPreviousFrame:
Time difference between frames in Breeze, in 100-nanoseconds
Data Type: Integer, 32 bits
Data body
Raw Pixel Line
Stream Type = 1
Time in the header represents the time when the raw data was received from the camera. Data Body: Raw bytes
Prediction Lines
Stream Type = 2
Time in the header represents the time when the frame raw data was received from the camera.
Data Body:
The number of elements in the array equals the LineWidth field in the reply from the LoadWorkflow command.
Data Type:
See below.
Line 2
Line N
Classification Vector
0 (No class) - Number of classes (255)
Example 1:
Example 2:
(sample vector) Data Type: Byte
Quantification Vector
-Max float - Max float
Data Type:
Float, 32 bits
Confidence Values
5-1 (High - Low)
Data Type:
Rgb Pixel Line
Stream Type = 3
R = 0 - 255, G = 0 - 255, B = 0 - 255
Data Type:
3 x Byte
Change visualization variable:
SetProperty("Property" = "VisualizationVariable", "Value" = "Reflectance")
Value can be either “Raw
", "Reflectance
", "Absorbance
" or "Descriptor names
Change visualization blend:
SetProperty("Property" = "VisualizationBlend", "Value" = "True or False")
Stream Start / End
Stream Type = 4
Time in the header represents the time when the data was sent.
Data Body are these ASCII encoded strings:
Runtime Command Switches
Switch | Description |
e.g. " | Set no of calculation threads |
e.g. /w:"C:\temp\My Folder" | Override current workspace path |
| Execute BreezeRuntime as EventServer (see below) |
e.g., | Override minimum loglevel for console logging
e.g., | Log session id |
Running Breeze Runtime with Breeze Client
1. Start “BreezeRuntime.exe”. Note: Located under “C:\Program
Files\Prediktera\Breeze\Runtime”. If the optional event server is used (see Event Stream), start “BreezeRuntime.exe /e” instead.

2. Start “BreezeClient.exe” from the Start menu
3. Press the “Connect” button.

4. Select workflow exported from Breeze and press “Load”

5. Start predicting on the loaded workflow by pressing “Start”

6. View real-time predictions under the “Realtime” tab

7. View Breeze Runtime status under the “Status” tab